Special educational needs

Word Wall - SEN resource for teaching key words
Can be laminated or photocopied. Choose the key words you want the child to learn. Write randomly across the bricks. Make sure you include at least one that the child is already confident with. If the child is confident, they can read the words independently from the start, or with less confident children, the adult can read first, then child and adult together, before the child reads independently. Use frequently to practise SEN targets.

Sound Stars: SEN phonics practise sheet
A sheet to be laminated or photocopied. Use to practise target letters or graphemes. Choose three or four letters/graphemes, at least one of which the child is already confident with. Write the sounds in random order in each of the stars. Depending on the confidence of the child, they can either read independently from the start and improve their scores, or the adult can read it first, then adult and child read together before finally the child reads independently. Useful for working towards personal IEP targets.

SEN - target tracking IEP
This is a blank IEP grid designed to track targets and areas of need over time. By having three consecutive targets on the same sheet, you are better able to check progress. The format allows space to record pupil and parent voice.

SEN resources
Four essential SEN resources. An IEP format that allows for tracking of targets across a year; a resource sheet for learning spellings that is particularly suited to students with dyslexia; a word wall to practice learning key vocab and a sheet to practice key phonics.